Thursday April 17th, 9:30am – 12:30pm
In order to bless a new Yuthok statue and inaugurate Sowa Rigpa and Yuthok Nyingthig East Coast collaborative activities at Tibet House US’s Menla in upstate New York, Dr. Nida will bestow the essential empowerment (dön wang) of the Yuthok Nyingthig. This empowerment of the Anuttarayoga tantra is both a blessing of the lineage of the Medicine Buddha and a guided meditation that transforms our inner poisons into wisdom and purifies our perception.
This program is offered by donation. Limited capacity, in person attendance only. Pre-registration is required (Press ‘Register Now’).
Registration is for the program only. Lunch and an optional overnight stay (on April 16th and/ or 17th) can be booked directly through Menla. Treatments at the Dewa Spa are available by appointment through Menla.
This program follows the Medicine Buddha and Rejuvenation Tummo retreat with Dr. Nida and Professor Robert Thurman from April 11 – 16th. Participants of that retreat may extend their stay at Menla for an additional night by writing to the Menla front desk.
375 Pantherkill Road, P.O. Box 70 Phoenicia, NY 12464